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Alcoholism is the continued use of alcohol – even when that use proves to cause harm. An alcoholic is often in the grip of a powerful phenomenon known as craving: a bodily need for a drink that can feel as strong as the need for food or water. It is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. No one chooses to suffer from a disease, and alcoholism is no exception.

The good news is, you can get better. If you have tried to control your drinking and have found you cannot, or your drinking habits are adversely affecting your quality of life, we are here to help you. We can show you how taking some simple steps can help loosen the grip that alcohol has on your life. The first step is to reach out and ask for help. This can be done by attending an A.A. meeting. If you are unsure or have questions, call the 24 hour helpline at 616.913.9149. Making that call will put you in touch with an A.A. member that can answer your questions and point you in the right direction. People often say that A.A. is a simple program, if you just follow some basic suggestions – attend meetings, get informed, find a sponsor, and work the 12 steps with that sponsor. In A.A. you will find a caring and supportive community of people who want to calm your fears and help you on your journey to a new, sober, better way of life.